



Alcoholism is a condition in which a person has a desire or physical need to consume alcohol even though it has a negative impact on their life. Now alcoholism called Alcohol Use Disorder( AUD)Refers to an addiction to alcohol.

What Can Alcohol Damage

* Heart

* Brain

* Liver

* Kidney

* Oesophagus

* Muscles


1) Pre alcoholic

2) Early alcoholic

3) Middle alcoholic

4) Late alcoholic


Atleast 3 of the following criteria should have been present during past one year

~Alcohol tolerence

~ Withdrawal symptoms

~Beyond intention

~Time consumed

~Unsuccessful attempts to cut down

~ Persistance


1) Blurred vision

2) Slurred Speech

3)Increased heart beat

4) Lowers body temperature



7) Alcohol poisoning 

Effects of alcoholism on the mind

* Dementia

* Depression

* Hallucinations

* Personality breakdown

* Blackouts

*Mood swings

*Decreased sex drive

*Suicidal thoughts

* Suicide

How does alcohol impact others?

Kids look up to their parents or to their siblings. When they see they are having fun drinking with their buddies or when they see an advertisement of alcohol, they will misunderstand the message of alcohol and thinks it is good for them.

Foetal alcohol Syndrome - A serious problem that can develop in the foetus of women who drink during pregnancy

Outbursts of emotions can cause the alcoholic person to be violent and harms other people around him/ her.

Driving while intoxicated causes serious problems on road.


1) Fatigue

2) Memory loss

3) Liver damage

4)Gastrointestinal complications


6) Heart problems

7) Diabetes

8)Thinning bones

9)Nervous system problems

10) Cancer

11) Foetal alcohol syndrome

12)Mental illness

How Homoeopathy helps in cases of alcoholism

Homoeopathy too can effectively treat the problems of alcoholism. Homoeopathic medicines provide promising result in case of both alcohol addiction as well as alcohol withdrawals. Homeopathy ensures that the person is relieved from his or her sufferings completely with minimal chance of recurrence.

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