Scope of Homoeopathy in Snake poisoning
There are mainly three types of snake poison. Nurotoxic, Heamolytic and cytolytic. The Cobra, Krait etc having nurotoxic poisons, Viper is having hemolytic and some coral and sea snakes having cytotoxic poisons.
In homoeopathy we are using medicines from snake poison for treating acute as well as chronic cases but most of our doctors are unaware of treating snake poison cases.Â
If a person with a poisons bite comes to us best choice and Scientific treatment is with anti venom. So we have to refere the case to such centers immediately.
   In case of non availability of anti venum why can't we use homoeopathy. Is there any chances in homoeopathy to treat snake poison cases.
According to the classification of disease by Dr. Hahneman actually snake poison treatment never comes under the scope of homoeopathy. By referring that classification Homoeopathy is ment for treating true natural diseases.Â
But now Homoeopathy is in a position to treat all types of disease including surgical and emergencies. Even some hopeless cases in ICU. Snake poisoning cases are also a treatable one with Homoeopathy.
     Snakes belongs to class Reptilia of chordate phylum, There are more than 2,600 species of snakes in the world. In India about 216 species are found, among them 52 are poisonous. After a snake bite we can notice few common characterstic symptoms like; Anxiety, loquacity, suspicious, religious insanity,fastidious,hydrophobia, hematuria, irritability. Although all snake medicines have many similarities, they also have individual features which help us in selecting the specific medicine.
   In homoeopathy Snake medicine termed as Ophidia. They are given below.
Bothrops lanciolatus- Yellow viper
Crotalus horridus- Rattle snake
Crotalus cascavella- Brazilian snake
Cenchris contortrix- Copperhead snake
Elaps corrallinus – Coral snake
Hydrophis cyanocinuctus- Sea snake
Lachesis trigonocephalus –Surukuku snake
Naja tripudians- Cobra venom
Toxicophis – Moccasin snake
Vipera berus-German viper.
General features of snake medicine-
Mental Symptoms of snakes medicine:
Great loquacity
Great fear of death and disease
Religious insanity
Irritable and quarrelsome
Competitiveness and attractiveness
 Desires solitude
 Misanthropy, secretive & quarrelsome
Physical Symptoms of snakes medicines:
Loss of vital fluid
 Bad effects of poison
Suppressed menses
 Oozing from any orifice of body & offensive, feotid smell.
Hypersensitiveness of nosdrils , lips
Trembling of tongue
Debility , prostration
 Yellow staining skin
       In my experiences over five hundred cases of snake bites and stings of venamus insects and scorpio were treated and found that Homoeopathy has immense scope in nurotoxic poisons ie the bite of cobra and krate. There are some cases that were saved from fatal stages. In Kerala there are more than 50 homoeopathic doctors having experience in treating snake bites. But only few are practicing now.
    Some homoeopathic doctors are treating for after effects of snake bite like
non healing ulcers, gangrene, renal problems etc..
While treating emergency cases we must focus on Shock management, Blood purification and Correcting the vital equilibrium.
Treatment protocol. First we have to manage the shock by giving Aconite nap 30. Then we have to go for blood purification by giving Eachinassia Q 5 drops each orally with 10 ml of water ten to fifteen minutes interwel. It were also practiced that inter muscular injection with 2 drops with 2 ml distilled water 5 minutes interwel. Meanwhile potantised medicine should give according to symptom similarity. In some cases olfaction of the drug also helpful.
In case of severe poisoning of cobra Naja 200 is found as specific.
In our area it may take a long time to reach in a hospital. So using Echinasia Q as a first aid is a life saving act. So in every clinic keeping 30 ml of this Q is beneficial.Â
 History says that in Europe the medicine Glonderina were used as a preventive medicine to save horses to escape from snake bites.
Need of research is essential to prove scientifically that the above medicines are effective.